Xbox Porn

Watch Porn on your Xbox


SugarDVD is leading the way in Xbox streaming porn with the XBox One adult streaming app. If you’ve ever wanted to stream adult (porn) movies from your Xbox you must try SugarDvD’s Xbox App. Unlimited streaming of adult movies on the SugarDVD Xbox app channel. Start streaming thousands of HD movies from SugarDVD on your Xbox today. All service plans include unlimited movie streaming at no additional cost. Adding the SugarDVD Xbox App is easy! It just takes a few steps to set-up and instantly start streaming movies. To get your free 10 day trial visit SugarDvd

The SugarDVD app works through the Xbox One’s browser, and it requires a monthly subscription. Users need to log in through the browser “to prevent unauthorized access due to privacy and app marketplace restrictions,” then they can sort through categories in what Sugar DVD claims is a manner similar to Netflix. The service also utilizes “the same content distribution network as streaming giants Netflix and Hulu.”

SugarDVD is quick to point out that although it needs a browser log-in, it is an actual app. The difference is that video streaming through a browser can be grainy and pixilated due to the browser itself expanding the image to fit on the screen. The image quality doesn’t change, it just gets bigger and loses detail as a result. Apps are more suited to adapt to different screen sizes. SugarDVD has developed apps that work with the PlayStation 3, the PS4, and the Xbox 360, but the company has chosen the Xbox One as its favorite.

“The PS4 is great, but if we’re purely talking adult content … the Xbox One is superior,” Rebecca Bolen, a rep for SugarDVD, claimed. Using the Xbox One’s gesture controls through the Kinect, subscribers are able to get to the action faster by physically grabbing the pages and categories they want to load, the same basic gestures that you can use on the console’s dashboard. There are no plans to further integrate the Kinect’s camera and gesture capabilities. Yet.

The adult provider also claims its app will work with the Xbox One’s “snap” feature, meaning you can be playing a game like Forza 5 while watching the newest “College” or “All-Girl” videos, like a boss. The press release goes into a bit more graphic detail, but that’s the gist of it.

But worry not, PS4 owner looking to spice up their gaming sessions. There is support for Sony’s new console as well.

“Simply put, the Xbox One is a gateway for porn of the future,” SugarDVD CEO Jax Smith said, no doubt to the delight of Microsoft execs. “The PS4 is pretty, but Xbox One allows for more seamless integration and a more interactive experience.”
By Ryan Fleming